Thursday, January 12, 2012


Watching – I have watched and admired the artistic qualities of quilting for many years.  I love going to the county and state fair and experiencing the heritage reflected in the quilts.  I love to read about the times in American history when quilt making was a way of life and a time of social activities for the women.  I think we still have a need for the social aspect of quilting.  It’s fun just to get together and talk but create something at the same time.  Scrapbooking is a modern rendition of this social network.  Twice a year, I go on a scrapbook retreat with my friends.  We work on our family scrapbook, reminisce and have a great time.  I found that quilters do the same!  They pack up their fabrics, machines and supplies and retreat for a time of socializing and quilting.

I have purchased quilts for my home, but want to make one.  How to begin?  Many times when I want to do something I just jump in and do it. Sometimes the results are good, sometimes not so good.  I think I will get advice first.  I have a long time teacher friend whose mother is an expert quilter.  She has made many, many quilts and all are beautiful.  She gives them to her family as birthday and Christmas gifts.  The family treasures them because they are a part of her.  My friend’s mother also helps others develop their quilting skills at workshops and retreats.  My first inquiry will be to call her for advice.  Before I call her, I need to write out what I want to ask.  The subject of my next blog!
While I created this blog, I also created a Mobile version that can be accessed by a smart phone. I am attaching a screenshot of the Mobile version.


  1. That is great you have a friend who you can ask questions on where to begin! I have recently started to loom knit, and I have done research online and in books, but knowing someone with personal experience is better than any research you can do on your own.

    I have thought about making a quilt as well. Besides quilts being comfortable, I am always amazed by the details in quilts. I will probably start out with the precut quilting fabrics I see at Joann's, but in the long run, I'd love to design and make my own quilt.

    Can't wait to read your future posts!

  2. That may be the way I should go for my first attempt, precut pieces! Thanks for the idea.

  3. You've got a great start. You might want to go back and add a professional connection. Why is exploring the world around you important? How does it open your eyes on the world?
    Annette :-)

  4. As I am progressing through this project, which is more than a project, it is a learning opportunity, plus an inquiry into learning. I have been reading over my posts and the posts of others and found that I am learning about learning and also remembering how much fun learning is!

    Don't you feel good when you learn something? Do you feel happy and energized? I do. I think learning can have a lot to do with an individual's well-being. Today, I had an elderly gentleman come into the library with a nook! He wanted to learn how to use it so he could teach his wife. He freely admitted he knew nothing about it, but wanted to learn. I was impressed with his courage. I spent about 90 minutes with him and enjoyed every minute of it. He was having a great time learning and I was having a great time teaching. He has a great outlook, is a retired engineer whose wife is a retired English teacher. I learned all this today. They both enjoy learning and knowledge. This was reflected in his attitude and demeanor. We laughed as we worked through the issues and mess-ups but eventually downloaded two ebooks onto his Nook for his wife. He went home happy and I went away thinking I want to be like that. I want to keep on learning. "We need to make a lifelong commitment to inquiry" (Empowered Learning, 2003). If we don't, how will we ever find answers to life's problems? Or if we have the answers, will we understand "what these solutions mean" (Empowered Learning)?
